Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

Swallow Sidecar Model 4a

Standard Super Sports

Production: 1924

Production Type: Mass Production

Model Swallow Sidecar 4a Standard Super Sports copies Model 4 in almost everything, but differs in that many body kits are installed for an additional fee.

Model 4a

Swallow Sidecar Model 4a Overview

The extreme popularity of the Super Sports De-Luxe has created a demand for this model amongst those who do not wish to entail the extra cost of the equipment refinements, standard on the Model De-Luxe.

The Standard Super Sports, introduced to meet this demand, retains the high standard of quality and grace of outline for which the De-Luxe is world famed.

With the exception of equipment, this model is identical with the De-Luxe in every respect.

Swallow Sidecar Model 4a Technical Specification

Includes Special Lightweight Chassis for machines up yo and including 4 h.p.
Special Hinged Celluloid Windscreen incorporated in the Storm Apron.
Dunlop Cord Tyre of any size (excepting Balloon).
Carriage Paid and Crate Free – 19£ 19s. 0d.

Triplex Screen – 25s. 0d.
Disc – 25/-
Lamp, Acetylene – 9s. 6d.
Lamp, Electric 12s. 6d.
Step – 12s. 6d.
Extra for Twin Axle Chassis – 45s. 0d.

Swallow Sidecar Model 4a Photogallery

a sample image

People: William Lyons William Walmsley

Swallow Sidecar Model 4a Files and Documents:

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