Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

Swallow Sidecar Model 12

Sun Saloon

Production: 1930

Production Type: Mass Production

The Swallow Sidecar model 12 Sun Saloon is a unique all-weather model boasting increased comfort in both rain and sunshine.

Model 12

Swallow Sidecar Model 12 Overview

An entirely new all-weather Model, coach-built, carefully pro-portioned to ensure maximum comfort and ample head and leg room for a 6ft. passenger.

The saloon top has heavy gauge celluloid windows, easily operated sunshine hood, and its method of construction prevents any possibility of rain or draught entering the body.

Swallow Sidecar Model 12 Technical Specification

Dimensions: Length overall, 88 1/2″; lengty inside (from back squab to toe board), 44″; width, 21″; height at front, 30″.

Colours: This body is finished in finest quality fabric in a two-colour scheme if required, in a choice of the following colours: Blue, Ivory, Green, Red, Black, or Brown.

Upholstery: Deeply sprung, with best quality Rexine in Blue, Red, Gren, Black, or Brown.

Tyres: Dunlop Cord Tyres of any standard size to suit requirements.

Specification: Large door, sunshine head, hinged rear deck, ventilator.

Complete with New Short Chassis – 19£ 19s. 0d.
Body only – 13£ 15s. 0d.

Child’s Dickey Seat – 1£ 5s. 0d.

Swallow Sidecar Model 12 Photogallery

a sample image

People: William Lyons William Walmsley

Swallow Sidecar Model 12 Files and Documents:

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