Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a

Courer de Luxe

Production: 1929

Production Type: Mass Production

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a Courer de Luxe is one of the luxury comfortable models with an additional seat for a child.

Model 9a

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a Overview

A luxorious Touring Model, giving car comfort at sidecar cost, and incorporating those special features in body work and construction applicable to the Model 9.

This Model is complete in every respect and contains a dickey seat at the rear capable of carrying a normal-sized youth up to fourteen years of age.

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a Technical Specification

Dimensions: Length overall, 82″; lengty inside (from back squab to toe board), 42″; width, 22 1/2; height at front, 32″.

Colours: Black body with Carnation Red louvers, Green body with Ivory louvers, Carnation Red body with Ivory louvers, Ivory body with Black louvers. Additional colours available: Olive Green, Nile Blue, Dark Blue, Crimson Lake, or Primrose.

Upholstery: Deeply sprung in best quality Rexine in Blue, Red, Green, Black, or Brown.

Tyres: Dunlop Cord Tyres of any standard size to suit requirements.

Specification: Large door, water-tight hinged scuttle. Lucas type lamp, as Model 9 De Luxe, new type chrome metal framed windscreen, with chrome metal framed sidescreens, hood new type quick-lift operated from inside dickey seat, large size, with deeply sprung upholstery.

Complete with New Short Chassis (less sidescreens) – 19£ 19s. 0d.
Body only – 13£ 7s. 6d.

Sidescreens (if specified on order) – each 12s. 6d.

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a Photogallery

a sample image

People: William Lyons William Walmsley

Swallow Sidecar Model 9a Files and Documents:

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