Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

Swallow Sidecar Model 11

De Luxe Launch

Production: 1930

Production Type: Mass Production

The Swallow Sidecar Model 11 De Luxe Launch is a stroller very similar to the Model 10, but with a number of significant Luxe benefits.

Model 11

Swallow Sidecar Model 11 Overview

Similar to the Model 10 Launch, but incorporating a more complete specification, the Model 11 is a De Luxe Sidecar in every sense of the world, and is generally acknowledged to be an outstanding example of really high-class coachwork and makes a delightful sidecar which any passenger should be proud to own.

Swallow Sidecar Model 11 Technical Specification

Dimensions: Length overall, 88 1/2″; lengty inside (from back squab to toe board), 46″; width, 21″; height at front, 25″.

Colours: Black, Apple Green, Olive Green, Carnation Red, Nile Blue, Dark Blue, Crimson Lake, Ivory, or Primrose.

Upholstery: Luxuriously sprung in best quality Rexine in Blue, Red, Green, Black, or Brown.

Tyres: Dunlop Cord Tyres of any standard size to suit requirements.

Specification: Door, safety glass three-piece windscreen with chromium plated fittings, deck rails, sidecar lamp, hood and hinged locker.

Complete with New Short Chassis – 21£ 10s. 0d.
Body only – 15£ 10s. 0d.

Child’s seat at rear instead of the Locker – 1£ 1s. 6d.

Swallow Sidecar Model 11 Photogallery

a sample image

People: William Lyons William Walmsley

Swallow Sidecar Model 11 Files and Documents:

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